THIRTY MINUTES Thirty minutes had passed, and nothing. Silence engulfs the atmosphere in this god-forsaken house. The constant thrashing, bashing and the crack of glass not to be heard. The silence was deafening. The blood in my veins stopped moving. Was this true? Where is she? "Mom?", I called out from the safety of my room. This four-walled room is the space where my thoughts and feelings roam free. As I was lost in thought, the door to my haven opened with utmost force. There stood the woman who was once the person I love the most. Her eyes once filled with soul and utter happiness now became a void for all the darkness in the world. The once sweet and loving smile now became the thing I fear the most. This person was once called mom but now considered a monster. A cynical smile was plastered on her dry and pale skin. God, what was running through her mind. Then she did the most random and shocking thing. She baked me a cake. She remembered today was my birt...
Showing posts from November, 2017