MY LOVE... [this story contains sensitive issues that I don't support. Continue with an open mind. If you find the story offensive, I'm truly sorry for this story is the works of my own mind. Enjoy reading :).] My love for you is unable to put into words. Our love in my eyes is just perfect and flawed in all the right ways. A Sunday type of love. I remember the first time we met. We were young and innocent. Not knowing the hardness of life and what happens around. The time we met, our lives revolved around toys and smiles. Oblivious to hurt and rejection. As times past, we were in school. I was known as the girl who was practically married to chocolate while you were the boy who wore weird glasses. Such a perfect duo. Being the mere age of seven, appearances doesn't matter for what matters is what your heart wants. What naive thinking but that was reality. Even at that age I knew you were the one I wanted to experience life with. To go through the hard and easy ...
Showing posts from October, 2017