
For you.

 The Feelings I Kept  I was surrounded by people and yet certain loneliness filled my very core. The type of loneliness creates a longing for an unknown person. I was jovial and always a ray of sunshine for the people around me. The more I push my feelings of loneliness down the more positivity seeped out of my pores. It was hard maintaining it all but I was determined not to let anyone in. Then he came.  It was a normal mundane Sunday. I just finished a hectic week with school and all so I decided that I wanted to go on Omegle. Huh, now thinking back at it, damn how stupid I was to vulnerably submit myself to one of the sketchiest websites available and yet I ignored all the red flags. Oh, how I am overjoyed I ignored it. You see I'm a logical person, if it screams danger then I don't go as simple as that but that day I was feeling a tad bit adventurous. Hence, my journey through that disturbing website began. I kept on being connected with horny bots who were trying to ...
THIRTY MINUTES Thirty minutes had passed, and nothing. Silence engulfs the atmosphere in this god-forsaken house. The constant thrashing, bashing and the crack of glass not to be heard. The silence was deafening. The blood in my veins stopped moving. Was this true? Where is she? "Mom?", I called out from the safety of my room. This four-walled room is the space where my thoughts and feelings roam free. As I was lost in thought, the door to my haven opened with utmost force. There stood the woman who was once the person I love the most. Her eyes once filled with soul and utter happiness now became a void for all the darkness in the world. The once sweet and loving smile now became the thing I fear the most. This person was once called mom but now considered a monster.  A cynical smile was plastered on her dry and pale skin. God, what was running through her mind. Then she did the most random and shocking thing. She baked me a cake. She remembered today was my birt...
MY LOVE... [this story contains sensitive issues that I don't support. Continue with an open mind. If you find the story offensive, I'm truly sorry for this story is the works of my own mind. Enjoy reading :).] My love for you is unable to put into words. Our love in my eyes is just perfect and flawed in all the right ways. A Sunday type of love. I remember the first time we met. We were young and innocent. Not knowing the hardness of life and what happens around. The time we met, our lives revolved around toys and smiles. Oblivious to hurt and rejection.  As times past, we were in school. I was known as the girl who was practically married to chocolate while you were the boy who wore weird glasses. Such a perfect duo. Being the mere age of seven, appearances doesn't matter for what matters is what your heart wants. What naive thinking but that was reality. Even at that age I knew you were the one I wanted to experience life with. To go through the hard and easy ...